
sitting in the theater waiting for it to start, faisal whispered that elizabeth berkeley was sitting next to us…better known to me as jesse spano from saved by the bell, only my favorite after-school show.

back to the movie.
even though i had wanted to see it, i wasn’t quite sure the actual premise of the movie–quite the way i see a lot of movies, unknowing what is to come.
intense. emotional. based on a true story.
and even though i guess i could have seen the end coming, i still didn’t…somehow.

believing in something so strongly that you will do whatever it takes to make it happen…whatever “it” is.
believing that you can make a difference…despite the obstacles surrounding you.
believing that it doesn’t always have to be this way…and that you can do something to change it.
believing that “it” (the same reference above) is worth it, worth everything…and being willing to risk everything for it.

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